
輾轉至專科學習電機後,改變了我的人生,雖然並非工程實作上的需要,我開始「追根究底」認真的主動學習,特別是電磁學中的馬克士威爾方程( Maxwell equation)漂亮的數學架構,使我從數理邏輯、集合論、等基礎有系統的學習數學,因為沒有老師指導,這些主題也不是專科技職教育的重點,所以對當時的幫助並不大,一直要到爾後插班大學甚至研究所才使我了解這段時間對我的重要,另一方面,在專科期間,由於沒有升學的壓力,我有較多的時間認識更多人和結交各式各樣的益友。
碩士班時,主要的興趣在於太陽物理,在大學畢業的暑假我就到了研究所,想早一點開始我的研究生涯。起因於大學時期在地球物理所讀到的關於地球磁場所衍生的出的太陽磁場如何產生的問題( solar dynamo),再加上大學時修習光性礦物學,對雙折射問題並不陌生,碰巧當時天文所向大陸買了一台萬用太陽磁像儀( solar magnetograph),且在試圖改裝時,改變了初始的設定,於是在碩士班初期的日子裡,我主要負責瞭解李奧(Lyot) 濾波器的原理,以便完成改裝。因為太陽磁場如何產生的問題不大可能只是太陽表面的現象,再加上指導教授轉任到台灣大學物理所。在完成磁像儀的報告後之後,我開始了數值模擬方面的研究,因為指導教授考量我所剩下的時間及當時的電腦的效能等原因,不足以探討太陽磁場如何產生及反轉的問題,我從事宇宙論的數值模擬,並以此作為論文的題目。在此期間我學習到宇宙萬物都來自同一點,所以我經常化敵為友。
碩士畢業後,印象深刻的回憶是921大地震,我也希望能作些甚麼,所以加入了救災的行列,自願到中部霧峰幫忙。回來後我找了個影像處理的工作,工作性質為判別積體電路的封包測試,工作項目是用Broland C++ builder 配合一些影像處理的含式庫( library),將顯放大的電路經影像處理後,自動判別其為良品與否。在短期的工作後,我仍然想從事太楊磁場及磁性流體動力學( magnetohydrodynamics)的模擬研究,於是又去念了天文所的博士班。不巧指導教授出國一年, 我只能一面在法路事務所寫關於指紋辨識的專利搞,一面先從事星系動力學的模擬,之後才進行宇宙射線( cosmic rays)與磁性流體動力學耦合的相關的模擬。
拿到了學位後,我在中原大學物理所擔任博士後研究,利用國家高速電腦中心的設備,繼續我擅長的磁性流體力學與宇宙射線的數值模擬方面的研究。在數值技術方面我主要是利用博士班期間所學的 CIP-MOCCT 配合 Biconjugate gradient stabilized (BICGStab) 數值方法解出磁性流體力學和宇宙射線偶合方程 。
回想起我對美術的興趣,我去應徵美工的工作,結果老闆反而看中我在工程方面的知識和技術,結果接下來主要的工作是對能源管理及影像處理在安謀( ARM)處理器系統上的開發,我主要將微軟( Microsoft)的程式移植到Linux上,影像處理則是用開放圖形庫( Open GL) ,原本是希望將容易產熱又耗電量高的工業電腦換成耗電量低的ARM開發板,如樹莓派( raspberry pi)等等。但因為公司結構轉變,新的股東認為Linux不穩定而選擇了用微軟系統,雖然我舉出谷歌( google)都用Linux,還是沒能說服大家,終於還是決定離開。
接著,我參與了核能三廠的警報系統的汰舊換新計畫,作為我新的工作。我主要負責輻射感測器RM 80這設備的模擬。因為真正的RM 80系統並不能提供,所以我是跟據手冊和到廠側錄的資料編寫程式。在工作時,我認識了另外一家廠商的主管,所以我在RM 80模擬器完成不久後,便經由他的介紹,到科學園區負責物聯網( Internet of Thing,IOT )的前端相關的程式,我整合了我之前工作所學的架構,配合該公司的無線射頻辨識(RFID)技術,成功的發展出一套產品,但因為長期來的工作都離家很遠,回家的時間很短,一邊工作一邊念研究所還要帶兒子的老婆的體力和精神都已經到了極限了,所以我當我完成了該產品後,決定先把重心回到家庭,除了教育兒子的課業,並且和父親以及書商合作『新好唐詩三百首』的計畫,另一方面則在龍華科技大學但任助理教授至今,所教授課程有:天文與生活、氣象與生活、自然科學概論、基礎數學、微積分。俗話說「教學相長」,我除了增進了和學生互動的經驗之外,也精進之前所學。很不幸的,此期間家父得了中風並在不久之後與世長辭,在辦完父親的喪事不久後,我接受了父親以前的學生在香港的出版社按件計酬的工作-寫一些針對香港中學生課外的科普短文,其中包括天文、氣象、地科、人工智慧等等。不料隨即香港發生動亂,香港公司決定結束營業,這工作也只能叫停,在此情況下,我透過媽媽的介紹,在元太慈愛協會擔任課中、小學課後輔導班的工作,到2020年的八月底結束,如今由於內人已經拿到學位,兒子也上國中,且適應良好,我可以將重心再重回工作方面、全力衝刺,並對於未來的合作充滿期待。
Ying Yi Lo was born on April 15th 1969, the second child in my family. Beside me, there is also an elder sister and a younger sister belong to my family members. My parents not only spend all their resources to take care us, also gave us much freedom compare with other child. The images of my childhood memories are bright, the golden sunlight spill over the narrow alleyways always makes me happy. Our house has a big garden, lots of trees and flowers, a little way off the house, there were hills and a river. One night, after a heavy rain, the river flood, we were lucky to survive, but because the house is hard to recover, we had to abandon the house and then moved to other place not far away, later, I realized whenever there was a heavy rain, we become the people living on water. To avoid live with mud, we can only enjoy the housewarming often, accumulative about the total number for moving house turn out to be eleven times. On the other hand, maybe due to the flood, I notice the power of water, and makes me pay more attention on fluid dynamics subject..
Primary school graduated from the affiliated experimental elementary school of national Chengchi university. I was good at art, especially painting, however, at junior high school, it was less important than other subjects. After many tests, I became not to care about the rank and score during that time, I think credentialism is not much suitable for me.
Coming all the way to study at Tungnan college school (now become Tungnan University), for some reason, I was interesting to the amazing Maxwell's equations, the beauty of its mathematical structure won my great admiration. It also led me to learn such as mathematical logic, set theory, the foundations of mathematics systematically, On the other hand, the personal computer began to appear at that time, and my college listed both software and hardware as required courses. It helps me a lot later in my life.
After graduate from college, I had a short experience as a temporary staff in department
of education, Taipei city, just after that, I join the army as my military service, during the time, I served as a quality control (QC) and warrant officer, rank is corporal. My routine is engaged destructive testing, QC and inventory management for military items related to parachute. When I look back, those experiences are helpful more or less in other fields for me, such as instrument calibration, inventory verification, the scrapping of military items, and so on.
After military service, I got an elevator installation work, however, this job is only loud and jarring, also dangerous, so I quite the job, after a period of preparation, I am admitted to many departments among different university, most of them are related to engineering. Thinking of childhood's passion about natural science, I choice to study the department of oceanography national Taiwan ocean university.
The subject--oceanography studies physical, chemical, geological and biological oceanography. Perhaps sue to the floods happened on my earlier life, I was particular interesting in fluid mechanics, on the other hand, because, our department is close to the graduate institute of applied geophysics, I also studied some geophysical aspects of the curriculum. Taiwan is a place where earthquakes occur frequently, so I join the research team for analysis seismology data by using SUN workstation. I remember, I spend most of my time in the library during the university epoch. Since I worked very hard, and got good grades, my teachers recommended to grand institute of astronomy, national central university.
When the time I was under the master program, the main interest is solar physics, arise from the university period, I read about the geo-dynamo which address on the mechanism which deal with the earth's magnetic field and led to the problem about the origin of the solar magnetic field -- solar dynamo. Additionally, I had studied optical mineralogy during the university period, therefor I am familiar with birefringence, coincidentally, at that time, our institute bought a universal solar magnetogram from mainland China, I was responsible for understanding the principle of Lyot filter (part of the magnetogram) during the earlier time of my master program. Considering the dynamo problem is unlikely only the surface phenomenon, and my supervisor was on transfer to another university, after I finish the report about the solar magnetogram, I switch to numerical simulation as my new research program. Since I already spend one year for the magnetogram, the remaining time of master program is not enough for me to do the magnetohydrodynamics numerical simulation, other reasons such as the computer 's performance was not enough to show the essential about the reverse of the solar magnetic field at that time, I had to change my research object to cosmology and I choice this as my thesis topic of my master degree.
During this period, I learned about everything comes from one point at very beginning of
the universe, so I think many conflicts are not necessary after all, hence I used to convert an enemy into a friend.
Just after I got the master degree, the impressive memory is 921 earthquakes, at that time, I wish I can do something, so I Joined the ranks for disaster relief near central of Taiwan. When I back home, I found a job related to IC packaging and testing services by using image analysis. This job is using Broland C++ builder and combining with some image libraries, to qualified products automatic by means of the enlarge image of circuit. However, I still want to work on the magnetohydrodynamics simulation about the solar magnetic field, therefore, I back to grand institute of astronomy, national central university to start my PhD program. When the first year of my PhD period, my supervisor had a visit abroad for one year, I worked on attorneys at law and wrote some patents related to fingerprint identification, while studied Galactic dynamics, later, I could to my research which related to the numerical simulation about cosmic rays coupling with magnetohydrodynamics. It is pity, finally, my research topic was still not much relationship with solar physics, but during the PhD student epoch, I did lots of work related to computer, such as operation systems, internet services, 3D animations, etc., almost nothing can separate me from computers, even my wife is found on the web.
After I had a PhD degree, I served as a post doctor at department of physics, Chung Yuan Christian university, I took advantage of equipment of the national center for high-performance computing, to continue my research which related to the numerical simulation about cosmic rays coupling with magnetohydrodynamics. The numerical method I used for MHD is CIP-MOCCT and Biconjugate gradient stabilized (BICGStab). I also learn how to use parallel computing to reduce the simulation time. After the contract expires, I found a environmental simulation job, worked on CMAQ (Community Multi-scale Air Quality) is an acronym for the Community Multi-scale Air Quality Model, a sophisticated atmospheric dispersion model developed by the US EPA, it dependents on the MM5 (short for Fifth-Generation Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model) package. However, there are some parameters we hard to get, the results of whole simulation will not meaningful. Therefore, after I finished some projects, I quit the job.
I recall the interest of art, I went to apply a scenic artist job, but because my engineering background, finally my main job is energy management and image processing for ARM systems. During that time, I was responsible for migration programs from the Microsoft's windows system to Linux systems, and wrote program by using OpenGL. I had excepted company will replace the industrial computers that easy to heat and high power with the low power ARM, such as raspberry pi, Beagle-board, Panda-board and those low-power single-board ARM base computer. But later the company's structure changed, they didn't want to use Linux any more, since I was not familiar with Microsoft product, the next job I choice a dot-NET kind of work with another company, and decided to learn the Microsoft development tools, but only few days later, I had been re-assign to replacing the alarm system of the 3rd nuclear power plant, I was mainly responsible for simulation of the radiation sensor RM 80, because the power station can't provide the real RM 80. During the working, I met another company's section manager, by means of his introducing, later I help him to write program about the radio frequency identification (RFID) reader which is the front end of the IoT (Internet of Thing). I integrated the hardware and software what I learned before, and cooperated the skill of the RFID, developed a new product successfully. This product can show whether the items were placed in the correct position by the RFID, then recorded the history of their status into database.
For a long time, I spend only a little time with my family, therefor, after I finished the development for RFID, I worked with my father, he wanted to public books related to Tang poetry, and I have more time to accompany my son. Meanwhile I joint the Longhua University of Science and Technology, and become an assistant professor, teaching "Astronomy and Life", "Meteorology and Life", "Introduction to Natural Science" and "Pre-Calculus" as well as "Calculus" courses.
Unfortunately, during this time, my father got stroke, and he passed away early in 2018. After his death, I worked as a writer for Hong Kong company, wrote articles related to astronomy, meteorology, earth science and artificial intelligence. However, Hong Kong became disturbance later, therefor, company decided to close their business, I had to find another job. By introduction of my mother, Beside the course of Longhua University , I worked as a teacher for after-school tutoring class, until 31th August 2020.
Right now, considering my wife already get the master degree and my son also go to junior high school, in the optimum condition, I recommend myself, to have a chance to contribute to your organization, and looking forward to the future.